Baptism is the first sacrament and it incorporates us into the Church and through it, we are ‘reborn’ as daughters and sons of God.
Baptism is performed by immersion in or pouring of water and the words ‘I baptise you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit’. Baptisms are available by appointment.
If you would like to obtain the Baptismal Request Form, please email your request to lo********@bn*.au or phone the Phone Parish Office on 3801 1626.f When contacting the office by mail or phone, please provide your full name, phone number, your address and the age of your children. Baptisms are held on the 2nd or 4th Sunday of the month at 11:00am or within the Masses of the 2nd or 4th Sunday of the month at 8:00am, 9:30am, or 6:00pm if arranged with Fr. Richard. Upon acceptance of the Baptismal request form, Fr Richard will ask families to attend their family preparation meeting on the second Saturday of the month at 9 am.
Please note there are no Baptisms held during Lent and Advent.
This is the sacrament which ‘seals’ or ‘reaffirms’ our baptism before we take the final step in becoming a full member of the Catholic Church of sharing in Holy Communion for the first time. The sign for confirmation is the anointing with chrism, the laying on of hands and the words ‘Be sealed with the gift of Holy Spirit’. Please phone the Parish Office on 3801 1626 to enquire about receiving this sacrament.
This is the central sacrament from which all the other sacraments derive their meaning. At the Eucharist, Christ is present to his Church in the proclamation of the scriptures, in the people who gather to worship, in the priest celebrant and, especially, in the Eucharistic elements which we believe are the Body and Blood of Christ. Please see the mass times page for more information.
Reconciliation or Penance
This is a celebration of God’s love and mercy after a process of conversion of heart. The rite includes confessing our sins and receiving the forgiveness of God through the ministry of the priest. Through this process, a person is reconciled with the Church and continues to live as a disciple of Jesus Christ. Reconciliation is offered on Saturdays: 4:30-5:00pm. or call Parish Priest for another time.
Anointing of the Sick
This is a sacrament of the Church for those whose health is seriously impaired by sickness or old age. It is a source of healing for the sick rather than the ‘last rites’ for the dying as it was once known. In the celebration, the sick person is anointed with the oil of the sick. He or she experiences the healing and strength of Jesus Christ and the support of the praying community. Please phone the Parish Office on 3801 1626 to enquire about receiving this sacrament.
Marriage celebrates and witnesses the covenant of love between two people and symbolises in that union Christ’s covenant of love for the Church. The Catholic Church believes that the marriage bond is sacred and permanent.
In the wedding ceremony the bride and groom administer the sacrament to each other by their declaration of consent. In this awesome and holy act, they are filled with the Holy Spirit who strengthens them for their life together.
Weddings are available by appointment. Please phone the Parish Office on 3801 1626.
Holy Orders or Ordination
This is a sacrament of service through which the mission which Christ entrusted to his apostles continues to be carried out by the Church. Through a special gift of the Holy Spirit, this sacrament enables the ordained to exercise a sacred power in the name and authority of Christ to serve the People of God. There are three degrees of ordination in the Catholic Church: bishop, priest and deacon. Please phone the Parish Office on 3801 1626 to enquire about receiving Holy Orders or Ordination.