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Our Parish appreciates the weekly donations from Parishioners at each Mass. Your gift of contributing financially to the St Matthew's Parish, opens the Church doors, helps us with our operational costs such as payment of utilities, our wages, and supports the ministry works we do. A vibrant community reflects the faith of the people within, and by sharing our financial resources our Parish community can grow.

At St Matthew’s we have two areas of responsibility our Parish must financially cover, and we appreciate very much our Parishioners and Friends who assist us by contributing financially to our Parish Operational Cost and Parish Maintenance.

We are grateful to those who wish to make donations to our Parish.

Donations, how to donate and support

We welcome, invite, and thank you for your consideration to support the financial endeavours of the life and mission of our growing and diverse Parish here at St Matthew’s Parish. You are able to make donations to the St Matthew’s Parish in a number of ways, some of which are listed below:

  • Participating in our Planned Giving Scheme – this scheme includes weekly donation envelopes and Direct Debit.
  • One-off donations.
  • Casual donations.
  • Weekly loose donation at Masses.

Planned Giving

For those wishing to assist our Parish financially in a regular and ongoing capacity, please consider joining our Parish Planned Giving. This support is available by completing any of the below forms and submitting them to the Parish Office for processing.

If you want to participate in our Planned giving please download your application from the following links:

Once you have completed the forms, please contact the Parish’s Office during business hours either by phone on 3801 1626 or send us an email to Lo********@bn*.au.

Our business hours are Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm.

Casual Donations

For casual donations, please talk to the Parish Office as you might be able to transfer the money into the Parish’s bank account.


One of the greatest gifts you can make toward the mission St Matthew’s Church is to leave your own legacy of faith for future generations. A gift in your will, no matter how big or small, is one of the wonderful ways you can advance your faith and the work of the parish.

For more information on the Bequest Program please feel free to contact the Catholic Foundation of the Archdiocese of Brisbane on 3324 3200 or gi****@bn*.au or by seeking information from the links following

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